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601 Airspace Airspace structure classification and use The minimum flight visibility for VFR flight in a Control Area is ?

Knowledge > takeoff

exemple 39
3 miles, 2 miles, 6 miles, mile.

601 Airspace Airspace structure classification and use When in VFR flight within the altimeter setting region the altimeter should be set to ?

exemple 40
601 airspace airspace structure classification and use when in vfr flight within altimeter setting region altimeter should be set to The current altimeter setting of nearest station along route of flight, 29.92 in. hg. or3.2 mb, the station pressure of nearest weather reporting station, the standard altimeter setting.

601 Airspace Airspace structure classification and use A 'Controlled Airspace' means an airspace of defined dimensions within which ?

exemple 41
601 airspace airspace structure classification and use a 'controlled airspace' means an airspace of defined dimensions within which An air traffic control (atc) service provided, aircraft must proceed in accordance with a scatana clearance, only aircraft equipped with functioning two way radio may operate, control provided instrument flight rules (ifr) traffic only.

  • exemple 42
    601 airspace airspace structure classification and use designated airspace of defined dimensions surrounding an operating control tower at an airport known as a n Control zone, terminal control area, control area, aerodrome traffic zone.

  • exemple 43
    601 airspace airspace structure classification and use a glider preparing take off from an aerodrome in altimeter setting region if current altimeter setting not available altimeter shall be set to The elevation of aerodrome, the mean sea level pressure of aerodrome, the standard pressure setting, zero.

  • exemple 44
    Specify how a remotely piloted aircraft may enter a class c airspace if pilot does not have two way radio communication equipment with air traffic control atc unit During day in vmc, with authorization from atc, in vmc, with authorization from atc, day night, with authorization from atc, during day in vmc, with authorization instructions from atc. Atc air traffic control vmc visual meteorological conditions 601.08 vfr flight in class c airspace 1) subject to subsection (2), no person operating a vfr aircraft shall enter class c airspace unless person receives a clearance to enter from appropriate air traffic control unit before entering airspace. 2) the pilot in command of a vfr aircraft that not equipped with radiocommunication equipment capable of two way communication with appropriate air traffic control unit may, during daylight in vmc, enter class c airspace if pilot in command receives authorization to enter from appropriate air traffic control unit before entering airspace.

  • exemple 45
    606 miscellaneous explosives or weapons shall not be carried on board any rpas Unless authorized, unless appropriate atc unit advised, unless army advised, unless above water (eg. fishing). Munitions of war 606.01 no person shall carry weapons, ammunition or other equipment designed use in war on board an aircraft unless aircraft a canadian aircraft or minister has authorized carriage of such equipment. payloads 901.43 (1) subject to subsection (2), no pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft system if aircraft transporting a payload that (a) includes explosive, corrosive, flammable, or bio hazardous material (b) includes weapons, ammunition or other equipment designed use in war (c) could create a hazard to aviation safety or cause injury to persons or (d) attached to aircraft means of a line unless such an operation conducted in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. (2) a pilot may operate a remotely piloted aircraft system when aircraft transporting a payload referred to in subsection (1) if operation conducted in accordance with a special flight operations certificate rpas.

  • Question Section 1: Air law 39 Answer 8

    Specify minimum flight altitude a remotely piloted aircraft with exception of take off launch approach landing or recovery An altitude to end flight in case of breakdown or other emergency without constituting a danger to people on surface, 9meters agl, feet above highest obstacle within 2 feet of flying site, the minimum altitude to keep aircraft in line of sight (vlos).

  • Question Section 1: Air law 39 Answer 9

    In order to operate an rpa that weighs 28 kg any purpose you are required to Obtain a special flight operations certificate (sfoc) rpas, remove payload to meet 25 kg threshold, send in a special flight operations certificate (sfoc) amendment form, have it registered with industry canada. Micro drones (under 250 grams) drones that weigh more than 25 kilograms micro drones (under 250 grams) drones that weigh more than 25 kilograms do not fall into basic or advanced operations categories. if you have a micro drone, you must never put people or aircraft in danger. always fly responsibly. if your drone weighs over 25 kilograms or you want to fly outside rules, you will need to get special permission from transport canada before you fly. https //www.tc.gc.ca/en/services/aviation/drone safety/get permission fly drone outside rules.html

  • Question Section 1: Air law 39 Answer 10

    In order to operate in controlled airspace how much advanced notice must be provided to an air traffic services ats provider A reasonable amount of time, 2 days, 7 days,days. Depending on complexity of your request, expect a minimum of 48 hours to 14 days review. you cannot operate your rpa in controlled airspace unless you receive a written rpas flight authorization from nav canada.? https //www.navcanada.ca/en/flight planning/drone flight planning.aspx

  • Question Section 1: Air law 39 Answer 11

    Transportation safety board of canada tsb the event that considered as an accident A person fatally or seriously injured the fall of a piece of remotely piloted aircraft, the excessive closeness between a drone a group of people due to a lack of attention from drone pilot, a failure of video recording system at start of aircraft, the fall of pilot's remote control during flight, even without affecting progress of flight. Accident an occurrence associated with operation of an aircraft which, in case of a manned aircraft, takes place between time any person boards aircraft with intention of flight until such time as all such persons have disembarked, or in case of an unmanned aircraft, takes place between time aircraft ready to move with purpose of flight until such time as it comes to rest at end of flight the primary propulsion system shut down, in which a) a person fatally or seriously injured as a result of being in aircraft, or direct contact with any part of aircraft, including parts which have become detached from aircraft, or direct exposure to jet blast, except when injuries are from natural causes, self inflicted or inflicted other persons, or when injuries are to stowaways hiding outside areas normally available to passengers crew or b) aircraft sustains damage or structural failure which adversely affects structural strength, performance or flight characteristics of aircraft, would normally require major repair or replacement of affected component, except engine failure or damage, when damage limited to a single engine, (including its cowlings or accessories), to propellers, wing tips, antennas, probes, vanes, tires, brakes, wheels, fairings, panels, landing gear doors, windscreens, aircraft skin (such as small dents or puncture holes), or minor damages to main rotor blades, tail rotor blades, landing gear, those resulting from hail or bird strike (including holes in radome) or c) aircraft missing or completely inaccessible.

  • Question Section 1: Air law 39 Answer 12

    Indicate how many remotely piloted aircraft a pilot can control simultaneously Five aircraft if system designed that, one aircraft, if one observer present, two aircraft, using one remote, if two observers are present, two aircraft, using two remotes, if two observers are present. 901.40 multiple remotely piloted aircraft (1) no pilot shall operate more than one remotely piloted aircraft at a time unless remotely piloted aircraft system designed to permit operation of multiple aircraft from a single control station unless aircraft are operated in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. (2) for purposes of subsection (1), no pilot shall operate more than five remotely piloted aircraft at a time.

  • Question Section 1: Air law 39 Answer 13

    As part of site survey before commencing rpas operations pilot must take into account class of airspace proximity of aerodromes and a proximity to local law enforcement b predominant weather conditions the area of operation c minimum separation distances from persons d location and size of bodies of water B, c, b, c, d, a, c, a, d. 901.27 site survey no pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft system unless, before commencing operations, they determine that site take off, launch, landing or recovery suitable the proposed operation conducting a site survey that takes into account following factors (a) boundaries of area of operation (b) type of airspace the applicable regulatory requirements (c) altitudes routes to be used on approach to departure from area of operation (d) proximity of manned aircraft operations (e) proximity of aerodromes, airports heliports (f) location height of obstacles, including wires, masts, buildings, cell phone towers wind turbines (g) predominant weather environmental conditions the area of operation (h) horizontal distances from persons not involved in operation.

  • Question Section 1: Air law 39 Answer 14

    According to car's 901 17 a rpa shall give way to All manned aircraft, aircraft only, gliders only, helicopters. Car's 901.17 right of way a pilot of a remotely piloted aircraft shall give way to power driven heavier than air aircraft, airships, gliders balloons at all times.

  • Question Section 1: Air law 39 Answer 15

    Indicate to what extent can a visual observer perform his duties from a boat on water during a flight operation The observer not driver of boat during flight operation, no visual observer allowed on or aboard a boat, the boat must allow observer to see aircraft at all times to communicate with pilot of remotely piloted aircraft, the boat must allow observer to communicate with pilot of remotely piloted aircraft. Notice the vessel 901.20 visual observers 1) no pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft system if visual observers are used to assist pilot in provision of detect avoid functions unless reliable timely communication maintained between pilot each visual observer during operation. 2) a visual observer shall communicate information to pilot in a timely manner, during operation, whenever visual observer detects conflicting air traffic, hazards to aviation safety or hazards to persons on surface. 3) no visual observer shall perform visual observer duties more than one remotely piloted aircraft at a time. 4) no visual observer shall perform visual observer duties while operating a moving vehicle, vessel or aircraft.

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