Underneath a stable clouds ceiling you may encounter 1 high intensity windshear2 shower rain3 turbulence4 continuous rain ?
Certificate > flight

On a clouds and weather forecast chart the isobars are represented at intervals of ?

On a weather chart the wind flows the isobars above 3000 feet above ground ?

Turbulence clouds the smoothest flight should be expected Under an overcast of stratus cloud, on a clear hot summer day when there no cloud, under scattered cumulus cloud, under a layer of stratocumulus cloud. Turbulence regarding turbulence It a dangerous often unpredictable phenomenon, for most flights, it represents no danger, today's uavs are designed to withstand it, only a trained pilot can cope with it. Turbulence turbulence near ground due to surface heating will usually be most severe During early afternoon, about mid morning, during early morning hours after sunrise, immediately after sundown. Unstable cloud characterised 1 turbulences2 wind gusts3 showers4 continuous rain Question Section 4: Meteorology 22 Answer 8
An orographic thunderstorm develops In mountainous area or above relief, over sea, over plain, at night. Question Section 4: Meteorology 22 Answer 9
A wind of 20 knots corresponds to an approximate speed of m/s, 3km/h, 4m/s,km/h. Question Section 4: Meteorology 22 Answer 10
A northeast wind comes from 45°, 225°, 3 5°,35°. Question Section 4: Meteorology 22 Answer 11
A southwest wind comes from 225°,45°,35°,95°. Question Section 4: Meteorology 22 Answer 12
A wind blowing perpendicular to a relief will generate in plain located after leeward side Updraughts downdraughts, an anabatic breeze, a thunderstorm, a katabatic breeze. Question Section 4: Meteorology 22 Answer 13
A wind blowing perpendicular to a relief will generate currents Up slope on windward side, down slope on leeward side, up slope on both sides, down slope on both sides, down slope on windward side, up slope on leeward side. Question Section 4: Meteorology 22 Answer 14
A winter sea breeze which starts on shore during morning will create Low stratus fog on land, thunderstorms at sea, a foehn effect along coastline, convective instability. Question Section 4: Meteorology 22 Answer 15
A sea breeze created when The pressure decreases above ground surface, the pressure increases above ground surface, ground surface cool faster than sea, a warm center forms above sea.
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