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Basic Operations
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Exact same questions! Advanced examintation nailed... thank you. Shepard le 22/11/2024 Super site gratuit!! j'ai retrouvé les questions à l'examen basique, du coup c'était trop facile presque haha! Je m'oriente vers le diplôme opérations avancées du coup. Merci Richard le 06/11/2024 Merci pour vos réponses finalement j'ai eu mon examen avancé du premier coup merci beaucoup! BF le 30/09/2024 Wind speed: Decreases with altitude. Tends to become weaker and disappears at about 10,000 ft. Increases with altitude. ELT abbreviation means: Emergency Locator Transmitter. Emergency Landing Terminal. Emergency Location Tower. By following the wing on the upper surface, the relative airflow: Accelerates and creates an high pressure. Slows down and creates a low pressure. Accelerates and creates a low pressure.